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Our mental health system is broken


How dare they call it 'Improved Access to Psychological Therapies' when desperate and suicidal people are being told the waiting list is 6-12 months?

Our mental health service is broken. Throwing more money at a broken system will not fix it. Change must happen. We need a new system not a patched up old one!

Problem: Those who are stressed and distressed are too often labelled and medicated without the underlying causes being addressed. They are sold a lie that their 'brain chemistry is out of balance' and the happy pills will fix it

Solution: Those uncomfortable emotions are actually trying to prompt people to make changes in their life to get their innate human needs met. Rather than numb down the feelings, shouldn't we all (mental health practitioners included) try to listen to what they are saying?

When are we going to teach this stuff in schools? Why are today's students becoming tomorrow's mental health patients?

While we all wait for those in power to sort out the mess, a Fusion Therapeutic Coach can help those in distress uncover the real problem, focus on solutions and take appropriate action to regulate emotions and get back in control of their life

See 'This is what 24 hours in a Suicide Crisis Centre looks like'

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