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How do you find the best coach training?


Updated: May 8, 2024


I'm going to make a statement I believe to be 100% true. I believe the Fusion Therapeutic Coaching Skills Certificate and Diploma programmes are the very best and most comprehensive counsellor-coach training available. Not only that, they are under priced. How do I know? Because people keep telling me! Prompted by the feedback I took some time time to look around at what is currently available and realised a potentially confusing issue. It would be easy for those having to make a decision about what training to go for to confuse content with packaging or to confuse length of training with quality of training. Realising there is a new Therapeutic Coaching niche emerging fast, programmes are now appearing to try and fill the gap. They are largely slick, well designed and incredibly well marketed. They are also expensive and are often just CBT, NLP or the GROW model repackaged and rebranded. When you are looking for high quality training I recommend you look closely at the content and what you are investing your time and money in. Fusion training is not a collection of pre-recorded webinars. It is live and interactive, not padded out with long spells in break out rooms that build programme hours but do not give you the tutor-contact hours that are so valuable. Diploma week 1 I started with a new Diploma group this week. This is my post workshop email. I think it gives an idea of how personal the Fusion training experience is:

It was great to get started today on the Fusion Therapeutic Coaching online programme. You already feel like a supportive and cohesive group and are working well together. I think 10 is the ideal group size for Zoom and allows for the training to feel personal and interactive, which is just as well as you all bring so much experience with you. We have counsellors, coaches, NHS workers, charity workers, a pharmacist and a nuclear environmentalist! Our discussions about mind-body health touched on the need for hydration. Here is the book I mentioned which I found fascinating If you have any helpful links on hydration please do share with the group. Therapeutic tools We covered a lot:

  • The evolution of therapeutic coaching

  • Scaling

  • Contracting

  • Postural feedback/power pose/the smile

  • Working on the continuum of wellbeing

  • Challenging perception/changing state

  • Timeline/visualisation

  • Accessing the Observing Self

  • Full spectrum light, ultradian and circadian rhythms

  • Breath work

  • Supplementation for brain health

  • The gut microbiome/ultra processed food

  • Work/life balance

Ebbinghaus To avoid the nasty effects of the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve and embed the learning, do use as many of the tools and techniques as you can this week and we can discuss your experiences at the next workshop. Everyone should have received their training manuals by now. Try to make some early progress with the distance learner Therapeutic Skills programme as it will really help immerse you in the learning experience. The full Diploma is a dual award with the Skills Certificate an embedded part of the programme with its own accreditation as an NCFE Customised Award. Association for Coaching I attach the learner log/reflective log and a worked example of an accreditation application along with the AC coaching competencies. I suggest citing Modules 1&2 in the log as there is a lot of overlap in what we covered. Reflective practice is a good habit to get into and will help you process not only your professional learning but also your personal responses to the subjects covered and the dynamics in the group. Diploma assignments are now fully in alignment with the requirements for the Association for Coaching meaning no need for replication if/when you apply for your professional accreditation. I have sent the link for your one year’s free AC membership. Do make use of their wide range of training webinars, group supervision, podcasts and accreditation support. Timeline Try the exercise of visualising the ideal future. The self-help version of the technique is to visualise your perfect future as though failure is not possible and it has already happened and to engage the positive emotional state that goes with it for around four or five minutes every day. I’ll be sending a full script of the guided version after workshop 2. Training updates The Fusion five session manual is now a standard part of the Diploma training. It is having some design work done on it at the moment and will be made available to you halfway through the Diploma programme so that you can make a start on your case study. It has everything you need to complete five full sessions with your client including check lists, questionnaires, work sheet, scripts, clinical feedback and therapeutic stories. Updates to the training now include the following as a standard part of the Fusion Diploma:

  • Working with loss and grief

  • Neuro-diversity and the systemising brain

  • How to STOP panic attacks

  • How to STOP anger attacks

  • How to STOP worrying

  • Interventions for resolution of insomnia or disordered sleep

  • 3 versions of the REWIND technique for pattern breaking and resolution of trauma symptoms

Finally Have a great week, remember to try and get the work/life balance right, and I look forward to seeing you again on Saturday.

I’ll send a link…

If you would like to take your skills to the next level and be part of the Diploma fast track training, please get in touch.

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